It is now time to make an action plan. Your list of concerns and their priority indication will be auto-filled from Step 3: Prioritise. You can then sort them by priority by following the instructions in that column. You will also re-write your concern as a goal in order to shift away from a deficit-thinking approach. We no longer want to dwell on what is wrong but start dreaming about the ideal situation. When considering your goal and relevant action points, you might find the inspiration, tips and tricks, and examples of best practices helpful. Please see the "Information and Inspiration" section. (Not available for the pilot, however, pilot participants are welcome to reach out to their supervisor to see what advice or assistance can be offered).

<aside> 💡 If you are using this at a curriculum level, consider making an action plan per relevant course or skills progression, as well as an action plan which focuses on organisational-level changes.


Action Plan

Skills Check tool

Step 1: Inventory

Step 2: Identify

Step 3: Prioritise

Step 5: Reflect and Evaluate